Leap motion technology

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As we all know touch monitors we're w big disappointment to the companies. They are seeing their future towards leap motion. Leap motion is a software that enables us to control the monitor screens without touching or using a mouse. It uses our hand movements to control the screen. As for now leap motion is restricted to some operations but some companies are trying to bring it into full use instead of  using a mouse.

Leap motion INC ::
    Leap motion INC  is an American originated company It was founded in 2010 by Micheal buckwald and David Holz. This INC produces the products that is named as leap motion controller. It is a small USB device which is to be placed on desktop facing upward. It can also be attached to virtual reality. 


  Using two monochromatic IR cameras and three infrared LED's , this device observes a roughly hemispherical area,distance about 1meter. The LEDs generate IR light and the cameras almost generate 200 frames per second of reflected data. This is sent through a USB cable to the host computer. By using leap motion software and complex mathematics it synthesizes 3D data by comparing 2D data generated by two cameras.

U can shop the leap motion controller on Amazon
Click LINK HERE  to view the price

You can see the above video to know the working of the controller.

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