The All NEW 146 inch MicroLED Modular TV | Samsung Wall

If you want to know much more about the new wall ! you're on the right place.

Samsung introduced the NEW WALL which is one of the best presentations by samsung in this year CES 2019. They already showcased the Modular TV in the last year CES 2018 presentation as a Demo model which is now implemented and now available for shipping.

The 146 inch is a Micro LED (MLED) which gives you the best presentaion of pictures right on the  back with good contrast ratio and HDR options. The resolution is 8K now as the time changes everything is about to get into future Resolutions.  Also tell us in the comments which resolution you're on at present and also which resolution do you expect in the future!? We are Eager to know your opinions.

Samsung Wall delivers you everything without limits as they are using the latest technology which does have power to deliver you the experience with no limits. MicroLED technology delivers incredible definition, without restrictions to size, resolution or form. Photos are collected from source to show you the example to show definition of modular.

source : ijustine
It is a self emitting LED Television with micrometer scale (µm) Light Emitting Diodes which gives you incredible experience with more pixel density than other LEDs available on the market which makes the visuals more clear and highly defined than other LED tv's in the market.

The Term "MODULAR" is named to his TV because this the worlds first tv where you can convert a Huge WALL size TV into your favorite dimensions.

For Example, If you wish you can convert the tv into pieces to arrange them on the wall as a screen saver or wallpaper as decoration purpose which isn't introduced by anyone till date.

Here's a video by youtuber ijustine showcasing The WALL and other TVs by samsung.

Additional Note : Samsung Modular TV supports Bixby and Smart Things by samsung.

Samsung showed up themselves with some spectacular presentation for 2019 this time towards future.

Thank You for coming by

source : samsung

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